If you have any comments or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you. God bless you as you seek to follow Jesus and His direction for your life. We hope we can help you in your journey.
I look forward to welcoming you personally to Havenhouse.
About Our Service
Our Sunday service begins at 10 a.m. and lasts 75 to 90 minutes. We sing contemporary worship songs, but we will mix in a hymn or two. (We think it is important to remember the great hymns of the church.) The sermon is usually 30 minutes and focuses on how we can apply the Word of God to our lives so that we become more like Him.
Coffee anyone? Coffee and “goodies” are served following the service in the Hall. It’s a great time to greet and get to know one another.
We hope to see you this Sunday!
As followers of Jesus, here are our foundational priorities:
- WORSHIP – The first of the Ten Commandments tells us to place God as the One we worship.
- LOVE – Jesus said to love God and to love others. Love is an indicator of being a disciple.
- SERVE – Jesus said He came not to be served, but TO serve. We should do no less than be servants.
- SHARE – The Bible instructs us to share our faith and our resources with others.
As part of the Foursquare Family, we exalt Jesus Christ as…
- SAVIOR -We believe that He died for the sins of all mankind and that forgiveness of sins is available through receiving His sacrifice on the cross (John 3:16).
- HEALER – We believe that because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, healing of the body and soul is available to all who ask (1 Peter 2:24).
- BAPTIZER WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT – We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is offered to empower every follower of Jesus (Acts 1:8).
- SOON-COMING KING – We believe that Jesus is coming again soon to gather His church to Himself (1 Thes. 4:16).